Feb 15 - 21, 1998 edition
White House Hounds Fall Silent at Marcia Lewis' Tears
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Forbes Commentary By Thomas Sowell While there is no denying that President Clinton's State of the Union address was a big political triumph, Republicans are responsible for a large part of his triumph. Policies of the Republican- controlled Congress set the stage for the country's economic success and Republican silence allowed Clinton to take credit for it. [the article] RJ Editorial Congressional Democrats, with a wholehearted assist from Bill Clinton, have added a big hike in the minimum wage to the list of issues on which they will run their re-election campaigns this year. MRC
Commentary New York Post John Travolta says President Clinton offered to help him with a pet project - getting Scientology accepted as a religion in Germany - just as he was about to play a character based on the president. Travolta was manipulated as part of Clinton's campaign to soften his fictional alter-ego's image in the upcoming movie "Primary Colors," George magazine charges in its March issue. New York Times John Travolta stood in the parking garage below City Hall, waiting for his sleek black Jaguar. He had just accepted an award on behalf of the Church of Scientology from the public works commission, and he was talking earnestly about what the sect means to him. New York Post Black viewers watch far more TV - and vastly different kinds of programs - than whites, a new study suggests. Blacks spend an average of 72.4 hours in front of the tube each week, while whites watch an average of 50.8 hours per week, according to the survey, conducted last fall. Washington Post In the dizzying swirl surrounding the latest presidential scandal, Hillary Rodham Clinton has made clear that she sees a broad array of detractors-- right- wing conspirators, partisan prosecutors and the press -- combining to undermine the White House. New York Times In an apparent first, Russian scientists have genetically engineered a new form of anthrax that may be able to defeat the vaccine that American troops will soon get to protect them against such biological agents, American scientists said Friday in interviews. Washington Post PARIS--The National Assembly approved Tuesday the Socialist government's answer to high unemployment -- a reduction in the maximum workweek from 39 hours to 35 hours. Insight Koop
withdraws claim After years of denying a relationship, sexual or otherwise, with a female employee named Betty Jane Thornberry, Colorado Gov. Roy Romer has admitted a 16-year liaison with her. The admission by Romer, general chairman of the Democratic National Committee, followed a report in Insight last week based on photographs, videotapes and surveillance of the governor and a woman who is not his wife. Los Angeles Times The standoff over how to count the nation's population spilled into the courts Thursday as a public interest group filed a lawsuit aimed at blocking the Clinton administration from using a controversial counting method in the 2000 census. L. A. Times Rising reports of fraud in California's new free market for electricity have triggered a series of investigations and prompted an admission by the head of the California Public Utilities Commission that it bungled the process of screening prospective power companies. S.F. Chronicle The Senate Republican leadership has indefinitely postponed a vote on the nomination of James Hormel to be ambassador to Luxembourg in response to mounting opposition to the openly gay San Francisco philanthropist. Washington Post HOUSTONSupreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has described his controversial 1991 confirmation hearings as a "whipping" from which he is still healing. Thomas, speaking to students Wednesday at predominantly black Texas Southern University, said that when he became a college student, he did not speak or write English very well because it was not his native language. The Hill In what could prompt another showdown with the White House, House investigators have delivered a document subpoena to first lady Hillary Clinton, seeking to learn what she discussed with White House lawyers concerning the so-called "Filegate" affair. The Washinton Times The Justice Department has entered the investigation of the Federal Communications Commission's future headquarters and is focusing on financial links between the building's developer and Peter Knight, a top Democratic fund-raiser. Newsday WASHINGTON (AP) -- A conservative legal rights group joined by an old-line civil rights organization asked a three-judge panel to reactivate an independent counsel that investigated Ron Brown to look anew at the late Commerce secretary's death in a plane crash. Insight "Oh, I can't say that I'm surprised, given his track record," Denia Beason, a Joplin, Mo., businesswoman tells Insight about President Clinton's alleged hanky-panky with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky. "I can't honestly say I'm surprised, but I can say I am depressed." Netly News Under federal regulations that take effect February 15, any stockbroker who wants to e-mail his clients from his home must submit to snooping through his home computer by his employing securities firm. Washington Post KITTERY, Maine, Feb. 10Maine voters Tuesday repealed controversial legislation giving special rights to homosexuals, according to unofficial election results. |
Report **Exclusive** Lewinsky Tried to Page Clinton Before Testimony Hours before he gave his deposition in the Paula Jones case, Monica Lewinsky tried in vain to page President Clinton, hoping to warn him that Linda Tripp was cooperating with investigators and telling them everything she knew about the Lewinsky/Clinton affair. New York Times President Clinton and his top aides began Friday to prepare the nation for war in Iraq, and for the grim prospect of civilian casualties on the ground and the deaths of American pilots in an air war.
Washington Post The Justice and Treasury departments reached an agreement with independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr Friday evening to allow limited grand jury testimony by a retired Secret Service officer who has said he saw Monica S. Lewinsky visit President Clinton in the Oval Office.
New York Times A California friend of Monica S. Lewinsky has told investigators that Lewinsky confided to her that she was having a sexual relationship with President Clinton, according to a family acquaintance and lawyers familiar with the friend's account. The friend, Neysa DeMann Erbland, also said that Lewinsky played her taped telephone messages from Clinton, according to the lawyers and the acquaintance. New York Times A young White House aide has told federal investigators that Monica Lewinsky confided in her about an alleged sexual relationship with President Clinton. Ashley Raines, who works in the White House office of administration, was interviewed by investigators for the independent counsel's office, which is examining accusations that Clinton told Lewinsky to lie about their alleged relationship. Washington Post President Clinton, one of his advisers said this week, is a little like the coyote in the old "Roadrunner" cartoons. He has raced off the cliff -- but managed for a moment to keep running on air. Washington Post It takes one to know one. Which may explain why several lawyers, asked yesterday to analyze the "talking points" document that former White House intern Monica S. Lewinsky supposedly gave to her colleague, Linda R. Tripp, concluded that the document may have a lawyer's hand behind it. Washington Post In their pitched battle with independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr, President Clinton's lawyers are waging an air war and a ground war.
New York Post Whitewater prosecutor Kenneth Starr is giving Susan McDougal one last chance to answer his questions - by videotape - or risk more legal troubles if she refuses, it was reported Thursday. Washington Post On the night before President Clinton's Jan. 17 deposition in the Paula Jones sexual harassment lawsuit, Linda R. Tripp secretly met with a lawyer for Jones to fully brief him about Monica S. Lewinsky's purported affair with the president, according to people familiar with the meeting. Washington Post Colorado Democrat Howard Gelt has been watching the Sunday talk shows and has some questions for a certain commentator for ABC News: "Where was George Stephanopoulos in 1991? What was his profile in life?" Washington Post The House leadership has quietly begun to consider the logistics of a possible impeachment inquiry against President Clinton, but both parties agree the evidence will have to be much stronger than it is today before lawmakers can seriously contemplate removing a popular though degenerate chief executive from office.
Washington Post A visibly shaken Marcia Lewis completed a second day of grand jury testimony about her daughter's ties to President Clinton Wednesday and was scheduled to appear again Thursday, as Monica S. Lewinsky's own appearance before the panel was postponed. New York Times The White House culture is changing in subtle ways, three weeks into the most dire scandal of Clinton's career. The prize of access to the Oval Office is no longer as coveted by twentysomething staff members as it once was. World Net Daily Another lawsuit has been filed in the continuing effort to release evidence from the investigation of the death of former White House Counsel Vincent W. Foster. Foster's death has been officially ruled a suicide by the Office of Independent Counsel, led by Kenneth Starr. World Net Daily's
Joe Farah: What do the Tailgate and Fostergate scandals have in common besides official lies, cover-up, and bogus charges of right-wing conspiracy? Even the establishment press is beginning to notice some other eerie parallels - especially concerning the role played in two major scandals by Linda R. Tripp. Washington Post The same public that complains about saturation coverage of the Clinton Lewinsky scandal is devouring that coverage in record numbers. Millions of news consumers seem drawn to the very thing they claim to detest, which in turn encourages news executives to keep serving it up. Washington Post A court appearance by Al Sharpton, being sued for defamation by a white prosecutor he accused of raping a black teenager, degenerated into a shouting match Wednesday. Washington Post FBI sharpshooter Lon Horiuchi's lawyers, with backing from the Justice Department, launched an all-out effort last week to prevent his impending involuntary manslaughter trial in Idaho for killing Vicki Weaver in the 1992 siege at Ruby Ridge. Washington Post LITTLE ROCKThe husband of the judge presiding over Paula Jones's sexual harassment lawsuit against President Clinton said today he has made suggestions about the case but denied helping his wife make decisions. Washington Post Campaign Stickers Distributed to Federal Employees To the cheers of hundreds of employees, Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt vowed yesterday to fight a perjury investigation by an independent counsel and predicted "absolute vindication" for himself and his department. Washington Post The Immigration and Naturalization Service Monday released the results of a new study showing that the agency apparently granted U.S. citizenship to more than 38,000 immigrants over a 13-month period despite evidence they failed to meet one or more basic requirements. Washington Post Mochtar Riady and his son James, who control the Indonesian-based Lippo Group conglomerate and have been friends and financial supporters of President Clinton since his days as Arkansas governor, "have had a long-term relationship with a Chinese intelligence agency," according to an unclassified final draft of a report by the Senate committee that last year investigated campaign finance abuses. Los Angeles Times As election day neared in 1996, White House officials feared embarrassing disclosures regarding Yogesh K. Gandhi, a California entrepreneur who had donated a whopping $325,000 to attend a fund-raising dinner at which he gave Clinton a bust of his relative, Mohandas K. Gandhi, in an unusual presentation with foreign visitors. San Jose Mercury The Democratic National Committee's treatment of the Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma is ``among the most sordid'' stories from the party's 1996 fund-raising efforts, according to a draft report for GOP senators who investigated campaign financing last year. Washington Post After three days of self-imposed silence at a Williamsburg retreat, House Republicans returned to Washington yesterday spouting an election-year agenda and threatening to go to the mat with President Clinton over tax and spending priorities. Washington Post The Senate voted 67 to 28 Wednesday to approve a judgeship for Margaret Morrow, a Los Angeles lawyer who had been targeted as a "liberal activist" by a conservative faction of Republicans and whose nomination was derailed for nearly two years. The
House or White House? Even as Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) continues to ask Republicans to support his reelection as Speaker in 1998, sources close to Gingrich say he is more determined than ever to run for president. S.F. Examiner WASHINGTON - After a heated and occasionally passionate debate, the House rejected a bill Thursday that would have let certain states verify the citizenship of its voters - a bill Democrats attacked as racist and "reminiscent of the poll tax and literacy tests of Jim Crow." London Telegraph NEARLY half of sexually active Americans who are infected with HIV do not tell their lovers, according to a survey. Of those who did not tell, 42 per cent did not use condoms, say researchers at the Brown University School of Medicine in Chicago. Patients at an HIV clinic were asked about their sexual behaviour over the previous six months. Washington Post United Nations inspectors in Iraq last fall uncovered what they considered highly unsettling evidence of a 1995 agreement by the Russian government to sell Iraq sophisticated fermentation equipment that could be used to develop biological weapons, according to sources. Washington Post With Susan McDougal's jail term for contempt less than a month away from ending, prosecutors are making a last-ditch effort to secure her cooperation by offering the Whitewater figure a chance to testify by videotape away from a grand jury. |
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