then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas in 1991,
though Justice Thomas vehemently denied those
allegations. Furthermore, it even came out that Ms. Hill
had followed Mr. Thomas from one job to another, after
the supposed harassment occurred.
Yet, at the time of the Thomas-Hill
controversy, Democratic Congresswoman (now U.S. Sen.)
Barbara Boxer led six other leftist congresswomen up the
Senate steps to loudly and profusely condemn the
nomination of Thomas, who (in the sheerest coincidence)
interprets the Constitution to authorize a less expansive
federal government than those ladies prefer.
A few years later, the National Organization
for Women called for the resignation of U.S. Sen. Bob
Packwood, R-Ore., after a number of women accused him of
unwanted sexual advances ... but still before anything
was proven in court.
So now, as the line forms to the left for
those women who contend Bill Clinton has either had
illicit affairs with them, or has improperly sought
sexual favors from the unwilling, are these same folks
ready to condemn him and take the side of the powerless
women this man has allegedly abused ... and whose
reputations he then routinely sends his minions
to destroy, should they
ever dare speak?
Why, no. Marian Wright Edelman, executive
director of the Children's Defense Fund, won't come to
the phone, instructing an underling to explain "She
doesn't speak personally about any national
And the National Organization for Women
explains in a two-paragraph, generic fax that it is
"unable to comment responsibly" on the validity
of any charges against the group's friend and champion,
Mr. Clinton.
"There is now overwhelming silence from
major women's groups who were so quick to indict Bob
Packwood before anything was proven true,"
Republican pollster Linda DiVall told the Los Angeles
Times last week. Ms. DiVall sees this as "further
proof that these groups exist primarily to serve
Democratic administrations and the Democratic
Why this tendency to demand a higher standard
of proof when the charges name Bill Clinton? Because he
has favored and funded programs these groups advocate, of
course, from appointing more radically collectivist women
to the cabinet and the courts, to pushing his current $22
billion (for starters) tax-funded day care program to
tend the latch-key kids of mothers who only leave home in