Feb 8 - 14, 1998 edition

by Vin Suprynowicz

GOP Succumbs to
Hypocrisy on Clinton
Spending Cuts

Republicans took control of Congress in 1994 on the strength of their "Contract with America," a list of "do-able" campaign promises including an end to congressional self-exemption from federal workplace regulation, etc. ... [more]

American Spectator
The Biggest
Bigots of All

As the Hillary headlines remind us -- "'Some Folks Are Going to Have a Lot to Answer For'" -- there she goes again, projecting. No surprise there. These are folks who stop at nothing, so why should they stop now? Did you notice the stunning silence and then a few audible gasps when President Clinton in his State of the Union speech proposed banning the use of soft money in politics? Like the universe, Clintonite chutzpah is ever expanding. It's become a law a nature. But what's really appalling is there   [more]

Reason Magazine
Can This 'Brilliant'
President ..er..
Actually Think?

(A Prescient Analysis from 1994 -- Ed.)

By Edith Efron

The chaos and paralysis of the Clinton presidency reflect the chaos and paralysis of Bill Clinton's mind--and he is not going to change.   [the article]

The New York Post
Flubba Bubba
Blows It

LOS ANGELES- He looked like somebody hit him in the face with a cream pie. Wolf Blitzer of CNN had asked: "Mr. President, Monica Lewinsky's life has been changed forever. Her family's life has been changed forever. I wonder how you feel about that and what, if anything, you'd like to say to Monica Lewinsky at this minute?"

The New York Post
The Perjuring

THE key to understanding the Clinton sex scandal is the acceptance of paradox.

American Spectator
Enemy Central

Enemies always float to the top. EOW alumna emerita Margaret Carlson has just cut loose with the scummiest defense of the perverted Clintons yet to surface. It makes Dick Morris's attack on Hillary as a babe of the Ellen Degenerate persuasion appear as innocent as an intern's valentine to Bill in the Washington Post.

American Spectator
Clinton Caught
on Tape?

Remember the famous White House tapes belatedly released by the Clinton administration during Senator Fred Thompson's campaign finance investigation? The tapes showed President Clinton at fundraising coffees and various other events. But now TAS has learned that some news organizations are trying to obtain copies of one of the tapes that is said to show the president expressing particular interest in a young female visitor to the Oval Office.

London Telegraph
Parenthood California style -- Test-tube Baby With No Folks

A blue-eyed infant known as "nobody's child" has no parents because she was conceived in an infertility clinic and born to a surrogate mother, a Californian court has decided. The case of two-year-old Jaycee Buzzanca has created a legal storm in America, where it has underlined the growing complexity of the rights of children born through infertility treatment.

Insight Magazine
Criminal Referral
in Clinton Lawrence
Burial Waiver Case

As Congress continues to investigate the granting of waivers for burial at Arlington, the State Department has issued a criminal referral related to Ambassador Larry Lawrence.

ZiffDavis Net
Pie Attack on
Bill Gates Has
Executives Worried

This time it was a custard pie in the face. Could it just have easily been a bullet in the gut?

Support Fund for the Man
Who Broke the Clinton Scandal

Disrespect for the White House, disrespect for authority, disrespect for family, disrespect for America -- the Clinton scandal known as "Zippergate" is a Sixties affair. It may not be Camelot -- more like Dogpatch -- but the crisis of the Clinton presidency is unmistakably a crisis created by the long-running assault on America and its institutions by the political generation of Hillary and Bill.

Boston Globe
Microsoft's Sidewalk:
A Big, Costly, Goof

John F. Kennedy once famously said of the CIA: ''Your successes are unheralded, your failures are trumpeted.'' With Microsoft Corp., it's just the opposite. Twenty times a day, we hear how Microsoft's plan for world domination is approaching fruition. Yet, happily for those of us mired in the ''old'' media, Microsoft makes some big goofs.

Washington Post
DNC Chief Denies
Sexual Affair
With Ex-Aide

Colorado Gov. Roy Romer, the Democratic Party national chairman, said today that he has had a "very affectionate" but not sexual relationship with a longtime aide. The 69-year-old governor acknowledged the relationship after Insight magazine reported that secret surveillance videotapes showing the two together and published an article strongly suggesting the two were having an affair.

Insight Magazine
But Videotapes Capture Hot and Heavy 'Affection'

Washington Post
Clinton-appointed Prosecutor Seeks
Jail for Campaign Abuse -- by GOP'er

Rep. Jay Kim (R-Calif.), who last year pleaded guilty to knowingly accepting $145,000 in illegal foreign and corporate campaign contributions, should be given a jail sentence for conduct that was "substantial, prolonged, deceptive and serious," a federal prosecutor argued in a memo filed Thursday in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles.

Washington Post
Feds Ask for AIDS
Carriers to be given
Legal Hammer

The Justice Department Thursday urged the Supreme Court to rule that people who are infected with the AIDS virus should be protected by the Americans With Disabilities Act, particularly because the virus interferes with reproduction and pregnancy.

Washington Post
Energy Dept. Restricts Access
By Critic of Stockpile Schemes

The U.S. Energy Department is trying to squelch public discussion of alternatives to its own plans for costly, unsafe and unreliable changes in American nuclear weapons design, says a top long-time scientist from the government's own Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California.

New York Times
Aide Reportedly Gave Evidence
to Starr in Clinton Inquiry

WASHINGTON -- President Clinton's personal secretary has told investigators that Clinton called her into his office last month and led her through an account of his relationship with Monica S. Lewinsky that differs in one critical aspect from her own recollections, according to lawyers familiar with her account. The secretary, Betty Currie, has also retrieved and turned over to investigators several gifts -- a dress, a brooch, and a hat pin -- that the President had given to Lewinsky, the lawyers said.

ABC News
Clinton Tried to Coach
Secretary, Say Reports

President Clinton’s personal secretary has been secretly meeting with investigators, saying that he coached her to say things she knew to be untrue about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky, the New York Times reported Dec. 6

Washington Post

The Real State of the Nation:
Chicago Cuts Off Scouts Until They're Into Sodomy, Atheism

CHICAGO -- The city has agreed to sever ties to Boy Scouts of America programs until the group accepts gays and stops requiring a religious oath. The agreement Wednesday settles a federal lawsuit filed against Chicago by the American Civil Liberties Union, which sought to end city sponsorship of 28 Scout programs. The lawsuit alleged the city's involvement violated the separation of church and state principle and that the Scouts' ban on admitting gays is discriminatory.

London Telegraph
Do-Gooder Vaccinations
'Helped to Spread Aids'

The global Aids epidemic could have been driven by mass vaccination campaigns in Africa after the Second World War, say scientists.

Washington Post
Gingrich Rolls Over
Again for Clinton

House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) yesterday endorsed President Clinton's call for using future budget surpluses to help shore up Social Security until Congress and the administration agree to a long-term plan for preserving the system against the tide of baby boomer retirements.

World Net Daily
Amid White House Kneepads,
a Major Threat to U.S. Security

In an unusually candid and angry statement, CIA Director George Tenet last week testified to the Senate Intelligence Committee that the agency is searching for moles in the executive branch - leakers who are disregarding national security.

Washington Post
Grand Jury Searches for
Eyewitnesses in West Wing

The president's study just off the Oval Office is one of the most exclusive pieces of real estate in the world -- often described but rarely seen. This week it has emerged as a principal focus of independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr's investigation into the relationship between President Clinton and former intern Monica S. Lewinsky.

Washington Post
Tripp Provided Jones's
Lawyers With Affidavit

Linda R. Tripp provided Paula Jones's lawyers with a sworn statement last month testifying that Monica S. Lewinsky told her on "innumerable occasions" of a long-running affair with President Clinton and played for Tripp "at least three tapes" containing Clinton's voice.

Washington Post
Tripp: Lewinsky 'Repeatedly Stated That I Must Lie'

This is the sworn statement that Linda R. Tripp signed on Jan. 21 for Paula Jones's lawyers:

New York Post
Lewinsky Shelled Out
Big Chunk of Mystery Cash

Monica Lewinsky reportedly made a credit-card payment that amounted to one-third of her annual salary - at the same time the White House was allegedly trying to keep her sex story under wraps.

Los Angeles Times
Clinton's Coattails Going
Out of Style for Democrats

SACRAMENTO--The president's sex scandal is not important, you say? Maybe it's not to the average citizen--or so many of them think--but it definitely is to a lot of politicians, because they believe it potentially could affect this year's elections. The best evidence of that comes from listening to the Democrats' muted, mumbling defense of their president.

Sacromento Bee
Greedy Cal State Bar
Has Only Itself to Blame

As it turned out, it was a very expensive gesture for the State Bar to declare its support last year for legislation that would have raised damage limits in medical malpractice cases.

San Jose Mercury
Democratic Women Busy
Ignoring Clinton Scandal

WASHINGTON -- The Democratic women who marched on the Senate six years ago to demand a fair hearing for Anita Hill but declined to rally on behalf of Paula Jones are silent about another woman at the center of a new sex scandal involving President Clinton.

Washington Times
Funding probers'
China visit blocked

The Chinese government has blocked congressional investigators from traveling to Hong Kong and Beijing as part of an ongoing campaign-finance investigation and threatened to arrest them if they try. Four investigators for the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee were scheduled to leave for China Saturday, but passport and visa applications submitted Jan. 23 to the Chinese Embassy in Washington were refused, said the committee's chairman, Rep. Dan Burton, Indiana Republican.

Washington Times
Jones' Lawyer: Either
Monica or Clinton lying

Paula Jones' chief attorney said in court papers Thursday that if Monica Lewinsky told Linda Tripp the truth, then President Clinton committed perjury in his sworn deposition. "If the allegations inherent in the Monica evidence are true, then Defendant Clinton ... committed perjury himself concerning such matters in his own deposition, and has now embarked upon a very aggressive cover-up campaign regarding same," wrote Dallas lawyer Donovan Campbell Jr., who was present at the closed-door deposition Jan. 17.

Insight Magazine
More Lying by Lewinsky
Could Lead to More Charges

The belated disclosure of a five-year affair with her former teacher could mean Monica Lewinsky may be open to indictment for lying to the FBI.

Insight Magazine
Who is Linda Tripp?
Sure-Footed and Intelligent

While the motivations of the Pentagon aide and former White House staffer have been analyzed ad nauseum by the press -- pundits can't decide whether her decision to record her conversations with Monica Lewinsky was an act of treachery, self-protection or political revenge -- few journalists have delved into her pre-White House employment. . . . . They should -- it makes for fascinating reading and suggests that the White House better not underestimate Tripp's ability to scrap hard when it comes to a high-noon public-relations showdown.

Washington Times
Trie pleads not guilty

Democratic fund-raiser Charles Yah Lin Trie pleaded not guilty Thursday to federal charges of conspiring to buy political influence through the illegal diversion of campaign cash to the Democratic National Committee. U.S. District Judge Paul Friedman accepted the plea and scheduled an Oct. 7 trial date.

San Diego Union Tribune
House says taxpayers shouldn't
pay for Clinton aide's lying

WASHINGTON -- Fines imposed by a court on a senior presidential aide for misleading statements made about the White House's health care reform task force should not come out of public coffers, House members resolved. The nonbinding resolution, passed 273-126 on Wednesday, states that the taxpayers should not pay for the $285,864 in sanctions levied by a U.S. District Court judge on Ira Magaziner in December.

NandO Net
White House unhappy with
porn website of same name

But How Can You Tell the Difference?

WASHINGTON -- White House lawyers are demanding that the creator of a pornographic website whitehouse.com stop using the name of the presidential residence, administration officials said Thursday.

Washington Post
Senator Seeks to Make Public
Red Chinese Funding of Dems

Anxious to document allegations that Chinese government officials attempted to influence the 1996 elections, Sen. Fred D. Thompson (R-Tenn.) is seeking to include extensive information from highly sensitive intelligence sources in the final report of the Senate campaign finance investigation, congressional and federal officials said Thursday.

Washington Post
How the White House Hustled
Tripp Over to the Pentagon

During the summer of 1994, the White House instructed the Pentagon to hire Linda R. Tripp into its public affairs office without so much as a job interview, even though the office had no openings at the time.

Washington Post
Starr Notes Clinton Team Has
Motive to Leak 'Damaging' Info

"... the "facts" from the press that you cite as evidence of misconduct were, in each case, known to individuals outside my Office. These individuals include witnesses, lawyers, and others. Let me cite one noteworthy example: Monica Lewinsky's attorney, William Ginsburg, has told the world that he is in touch with lawyers on both sides of the pending civil case. The "leaks" that you complain about, thus, may have come from sources close to those under investigation. Those sources would have a clear and manifest motivation to release harmful information with carefully crafted defenses in order to lessen the painful impact of such evidence when it is revealed through official proceedings."

New York Post

WASHINGTON - All-out war erupted Friday as President Clinton's lawyer and independent counsel Kenneth Starr accused each other of leaks and lies in the escalating Sexgate scandal.

New York Times
Federal Bureaucrat Error Destroys
Treasure Trove of Scientific Records

A huge trove of scientific records from the Naval Research Laboratory has been destroyed because of snarled communications between another federal agency and the laboratory, which calls the loss a calamity.

London Telegraph
Starr Accuses Clinton Lawyers
of 'Orchestrated Smear' Campaign

Did the Butler See It?

The bitter feud between Bill Clinton and Kenneth Starr escalated Friday when the federal prosecutor accused the White House of mounting "an orchestrated plan to deflect and distract" from his inquiry into the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal.

London Telegraph
Mandela Kicks Out Black Reporter
Who Highlighted ANC Corruption

SOUTH African lawyers are fighting to stop the deportation of a leading black journalist amid fears that he is being punished for highlighting corruption in the ruling African National Congress.

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