Ave. NW, in Washington D.C., 20001
(tel. 202-842-0200), and of Bumper Hornberger's Future of Freedom
Foundation (e-mail FFFVA@compuserve.com), in Northern
The Ludwig von mises Institute
(owner-misesmail@colossus.net), tel. 334-844-2500 puts
out some nifty economic publications, and for e-mail on
jury rights issues you can't beat the Jury Rights
Project, e-mail jrights@levellers.org; web page
Leading the new battle against the national ID
card is the Coalition to Repeal the Fingerprints Law,
Suite 133, 5446 Peachtree Industrial Blvd., Atlanta
30341; voice mail 404-250-8105; web site
I seem to have fallen out of touch with the
Separation of School and State Alliance, based in
California; maybe they'll send me some up-to-date contact
President Brenda Grantland tells me the group
Forfeiture Endangers American Rights has recently opened
an office in D.C., and may be in a position to welcome
volunteer help as well as contributions. Contact Interim
Director Tom Gordon at the F.E.A.R. Foundation, P.O. Box
15421 Washington, D.C. 20003; tel. 202-546-4381, or toll
free at 1-888-FEAR-001; e-mail TomGordon@fear.org; web
site http://www.fear.org.
groups worth contacting for information -- and supporting
with donations or volunteer help -- include the
Fully-Informed Jury Association at Box 59, Helmville,
Montana 59843, tel. 406-793-5550, and Aaron Zelman's Jews
for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, 2874 S.
Wentworth Ave., Milwaukee, Wisc. 53207, tel. 414-769-0760
(web site http://www.JPFO.org; e-mail
JPFO welcomes "righteous goyim," or
non-Jews, and in fact never even asks prospective members
their religion.
I used to think JPFO was the only truly
principled gun-rights organization in the nation, holding
that ANY "gun control" is an inevitable
precursor to new genocides. I am now, finally, ready to
submit that there are two.
I have been watching for some years the
development of Larry Pratt's Gun Owners of America, based
at 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, Va. 22151;
tel. 703-321-8585; web site http://www.gunowners.org;
e-mail goaslad@aol.com.
Folks have always called GOA "the other
gun group," in deference to the massive and
cholesterol-clogged National Rifle Association.
Enemies of freedom always enjoy caricaturing
ther NRA as a bunch of buck-toothed hunters in plaid
shirts, blasting