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York Times London
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News Service Cal News Today Germany Alert Ziff-Davis News Dissecting Columbine's Cult of the Athlete LITTLETON, Colo. The state wrestling champ was regularly permitted to park his $100,000 Hummer all day in a 15-minute space. A football player was allowed to tease a girl about her breasts in class without fear of retribution by his teacher, also the boy's coach. Washington Weekly Hugh Sprunt Capitol Hill Blue NewsMax London Daily Mirror NewsMax Commentary: |
York Times Russians break word, grab chunk of Kosovo K RISTINA, Kosovo -- Breaking Moscow's assurances to the Clinton administraton, a long column of Russian troops entered Kosovo and its capital early Saturday morning amid celebration by local Serbs and fear by ethnic Albanians.London Telegraph Britain entry blocked by White House The White House National Security Council team rushed into an urgent meeting to work out a response, but it was evident as night fell that no one had the slightest idea what to do next. Russian
military exults White
House unable
Yeltsin rewards invading general
Reno Also Killed Trie Search in Little Rock Could it be that the spirit of the late Vince Foster now haunts the Chinagate probe? On Thursday, nationally syndicated columnist Robert Novak reported that a 1997 attempt to search Chinagate figure Charlie Trie's Little Rock office was thwarted when, inexplicably, the Clinton Justice Department ordered its investigators to return to Washington, D.C. Midwestern Mayor Shapes Bush's Message
INDIANAPOLIS World Net Daily commentary Make everyone less safe Few of us understood the threat to business when the first tobacco lawsuits were filed. But the subsequent litigation madness is undermining the rule of law and its historic respect for freedom of contract. London Independent In a sneaking admission that Clinton's missile attack on a factory in Sudan last year was a mistake, the US has cleared the man who owned the plant of any links to terrorism. The embarrassing reversal means that Clinton has virtually no evidence to support its claim that the missile attack was a strike against terrorism. [the story] Capitol Hill Blue
Sick Willie's history of sexual violence against women Women have been charging Bill Clinton with sexual assault since his days as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford 30 years ago. A continuing investigation into the President's questionable sexual history reveal incidents that go back as far as Clinton's college days. Capitol Hill Blue |
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