Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God -- Thomas Jefferson


Jewish World Review
The liar
next time

By Ann Coulter

IN A FAST- BREAKING STORY like the Democrats' attempt to steal a presidential election, it can be hard to keep up with the barrage of lies. Before today's lies become "old news," I thought it would be useful to begin a running tabulation. (A recount shall be ordered in Democrat counties only.)
    Lie No. 1: We don't know who won the election yet.
   Yes we do. George W. Bush won, albeit narrowly. Al Gore demanded a recount in one of the states he lost narrowly. After the Gore loser got his recount, it turned out the winner was ... Bush again! (Subject only to a final count of the overseas ballots, which have historically gone Republican in Florida and elsewhere.) Then, Gore insisted upon yet a third recount ... [more]

Joe Farah
Al Gore: a
true Racist

Jim Bell's

by Zola

More News

Why Clinton Bites When He

A New Orleans rape investigator explains the M.O.

'Gore Got Powder Puff Vietnam Tour' -- G.I.

Capitol Hill Blue
Clinton a security risk, say intell professionals

Wired News
Y2K Spoof Triggers FBI Gestapo Tactics

Reno sabotaged Little Rock search

Capitol Hill Blue
Broaddrick isn't his only assault victim

Hugh Sprunt
(Direct to Electric America
A detailed analysis of the Foster coverup

Clinton counsel admits keeping FBI files

World Net Daily commentary
Mayoral gun suits undermine U.S. law

The Premier National News Outlets on the Web:

World Net Daily
Washington Times
New York Post
London Telegraph
MRC News Service
Cal News Today
Germany Alert
Ziff-Davis News

chipbok.jpg (3592 bytes)

Washington Post
Gore ordered the smears on Harris

By Howard Kurtz

On the morning of Nov. 13, Al Gore's media men decided that they had to take Katherine Harris down.
   After a long, hard-fought campaign in which they worked relentlessly to shape the media coverage of their candidate, Mark Fabiani, the deputy campaign manager, and Chris Lehane, the press secretary, had plunged into an entirely different kind of race. With George W. Bush leading by a few hundred votes, they were determined to discredit Florida's secretary of state, who had just set an impossibly tight deadline of 5 p.m. the next day for hand recounts of the disputed ballots.
   "What do we know about her?" Gore asked.
    "She's very partisan," Fabiani said.
    "Does the press know that?" the vice president wondered.    [more]
Witness to Gore Vote Fraud
Goes Public on National TV

Explosive charges of Democratic vote fraud leveled Saturday afternoon by Montana Republican Gov. Mark Racicot were corroborated hours later by Jennifer Garcia, a Palm Beach County recount observer who gave her eyewitness account to MSNBC host Forest Sawyer.

Dems target ballots
from armed forces

Gore campaign organizes effort
to disenfranchise servicemen

TALLAHASSEE, Fla., Nov. 18 — Although overseas absentee ballots have boosted George W. Bush’s lead in Florida, Republicans are angry that more than 1,400 of the overseas ballots were disqualified and have accused Democrats of mounting a coordinated challenge of ballots from military personnel.
Bush team: massive
Florida vote fraud

At a press conference in Austin Saturday afternoon, the George Bush Recount team indicated massive vote fraud was taking place in the Florida manual recount.

Chicago Tribune
Florida supremes
are activist Dems

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- When lawyers for Al Gore and George W. Bush enter the Florida Supreme Court on Monday, they will be confronting seven justices who have shown no trepidation when it comes to tangling with the Republican Legislature and governor.

Associated Press
Florida legislature
may pick electors

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Florida's Republican-controlled Legislature will ``play a role should it become necessary'' in picking the state's 25 electors, incoming House Speaker Tom Feeney said Saturday.

Shifty Palm Beach

Palm Beach rejected hand count over 11-vote margin 8 weeks ago

A Republican congressman has called attention to what he says is a double standard being employed by the Palm Beach County canvassing board because it rejected a hand count in a close state primary just eight weeks ago.

Associated Press
Democrat ate chads

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) - Just when it seemed the discussion of chad could get no stranger a Republican observer is accusing a Democrat of eating some of the tiny pieces of ballot paper.

Frontpage Magazine
It Won’t End
with Florida

Even before the final votes are tallied in Florida, the Gore campaign has opened its next battlefront - the Electoral College. Bush will have 271 electoral votes if he wins Florida. Gore could still win by persuading three Republican electors to jump ship. Democrat operatives have begun digging up dirt on Republican electors, in a replay of the Larry Flynt impeachment strategy.

No Getting Around It Anymore
Criminals Run
Your Government

Feds Shred 162 Boxes of Evidence

Court-appointed investigator calls
Treasury Department 'out of control'

Washington Weekly
Asst. U.S. Attorney Reveals DOJ Crimes

WASHINGTON  (AP) -- Treasury Department lawyers failed to keep the agency from shredding potential evidence in a lawsuit over American Indians' money, then covered up the shredding for more than 14 weeks and misled a federal court about it, a court-appointed investigator found.

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